( * For Home Visit call :- 8928295328,9011284114 * ) Our Services: Pathology , Immunology , Microbiology , Molecular Diagnostics , Research And Clinical Trials , Tissue and Bone Bank , Wellness Packages,Pre-Employment Check Up


1 Molecular Diagnostics

Laminar Flow (Electrodyne – Kirloskar)
PCR (Conventional) PTC 100-(MJ Research)
Real Time PCR (Quantitative) - Step One- (ABI)
Electrophoresis & Gel Documentation system (Vilber Lourmet, France)
Deep Freezer (-20 ° C).

2 Microbiology

Microscopes- Compound (Olympus) & Inverted Phase Contrast (Nikon)
Bac T Alert 3D (Automated System for Routine & TB cultures) - Biomerieux, France
Vitek 2 compact (Automated Identification/Sensitivity System) - Biomerieux, France
Routine and TB Culture Facility with Bio-safety Cabinet Level II

3 Immunology & Serology

Chemiluminiscence Immuno Assay System - Architect i1000 SR (Abbott)
ELISA with ELISA washer
CD4 Counts (Alere)
Routine Serological Test Facility

4 Biochemistry

A15-Fully Automated Biochemistry (Biosystem)
Semi Autoanalyser (Carelab)
Microlab 300 Semi Autoanalyser (Merck)
Carelyte Electrolyte Machine (Carewell)
Blood Gas Analyser 348 (Siemens)

5 Haematology

Micros 60 Cell Counter (Horiba)
Semi Auto PT and PTT (Carelab)
Haemoglobin Electrophoresis System (Bangalore Genei)